RAM Haitian Mizik Band

RAM Haitian Mizik Band

The Haitian Mizik Rasin band RAM is a complex form of several Haitian music styles including Voodoo and rock. The music band RAM with his founder, songwriter and lead male vocal singer Richard Morse, was created in the 1990s in Haiti. The beauty about this band is that it married the deep Haitian culture with its music such as Rara and Petro, using modern rock and roll to make it popular.

Music Video Mon Konpe Gade by RAM Music Video Mon Konpe Gade by RAM
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Here is the latest song released by the Haitia Mizik Rasin band RAM. the song is titled Mon Konpe Gade and is superb...

More RAM Haitian Mizik Band info:

Their music sometimes take political tones as they were strong supporters of former Haitian president Jean-Bertrand Aristide