Installation of Provisional Presidernt Jocelerme Privert

Installation of Provisional Presidernt Jocelerme Privert

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Here is the video of the Installation of Provisional Presidernt Jocelerme Privert.

On Sunday afternoon, February 14, 2016, Jocelerme Privert, the former Senate Chief, was installed as the Provisional President at the National Palace. In the morning, he had sworn in following a 12-hour long meeting in the National Assembly. Mr. Privert was a cabinet minister under President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Privert has been installed as the interim Provisional President as per an agreement signed before the departure of former President Martelly. He will hold his office for 120 days and remain responsible to organize the overdue presidential election on April 24, 2016 and install a new President on May 14, 2016. Privert is a native of Petit Goave, became the Directorate General of Taxes (1995-2001), Secretary of State for Finance (2001-2002) and Minister of the Interior (2002-2004). The installation of Privert, a supporter of Aristide, is a definite shift from Martelly administration. His inaugural ceremony in the garden of National Palace was heavily attended by the representatives of the Fanmi Lavalas political party while very few of Martelly supporters were present there.

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